How some cultural activities cause demonic bondage

In most of such traditions, the idea behind them is good and positive but the processes involved open the people up to a lot of demonic activities in their lives.

Jun 17, 2023 - 08:26
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How some cultural activities cause demonic bondage


By Elijah Asuo Wiredu

Some cultural practices and traditions have a lot of influence on the people. In most of such traditions, the idea behind them is good and positive but the processes involved open the people up to a lot of demonic activities in their lives. Of course, some of them have nothing good about them.

Trokosi system/ Vestal virgins

The trokosi system is an outmoded cultural practice in Ghana. By the trokosi system, virgins were offered to idols. The priests of the idols received the virgins on their behalf. The virgins would serve the priest and idols by running errands and they eventually become wives of the priest. By worshipping and serving the idols and their priest, the virgins are bonded under a lot of curses. The cases just become worse when they become wives of the priests and have kids who would eventually be bound under the same curses.

Trokosi system/ Vestal virgins

Marriage ceremonies

The marriage to a person makes one legally becomes a partaker of the blessings or curses that follow them. Aside from that, the traditions involved in contracting marriages can also be doorways for demons to put people under bondage. In traditional Ghanaian marriages, the libation was poured to invite the spirits of their ancestors, idols, and the spirits around to come and witness the ceremony and also give their blessings. Some years ago, after the first night of the couple, the sisters of the man would come and take the bed sheet to wash it. This was to ascertain whether or not the woman was a virgin.

Disposing of the placenta and umbilical cord

Some cultures have weird ways of disposing of the placenta and the umbilical cord after the birth of a new baby. Some cultures cook the placenta for the mother to eat. For others, the placenta is a delicacy for the whole family. Some give the placenta to animals such as dogs and pigs to feed on. Some also bury the placenta and mark the burial place by planting a tree on it. In modern days where most of us give birth in hospitals, we leave the placenta with the nurses whom we don’t know to dispose of them. Most of the health centers have pits into which they dump the placenta but if the nurse is an evil one, they can manipulate it before dumping them into the pit. All of the methods mentioned above in one way or the other have their own way of putting the child under bondage.

Naming ceremony

Once I served in a prayer center. One day, during a week-long revival in which many people had come from different places, I entered a house and a kid of about three years met me and said “Pastor, did you come with your bicycle?” I had parked the bicycle in front of the main gate before entering the house. Her mother asked me if he had seen me with a bike before but honestly, I had not even met him before. She told me the boy was named after a prophet and since the prophet died, the boy has been doing strange things like a prophet. The person we are named after can have an influence on us and open the door for some divine or demonic encounters. …. Whom they are named after….. type of names.

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