TRINITY SERIES The God-head together

We established in our previous discussion that Jesus was in the beginning and he was identified as the voice/word of God.

Jul 7, 2024 - 14:27
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TRINITY SERIES The God-head together


The God-head together

By Elijah Asuo Wiredu

We bring you another discussion on our topic, “Trinity Series”

Today we want consider a Bible verse where all persons in the trinity were identified together. I believe it will add more to our understanding of the concept of Trinity. Isaiah 43:16 is our Bible text for discussion.


16“Come near to Me, hear this:

I have not spoken in secret from the beginning;

From the time that it was, I was there.

And now the Lord God and His Spirit

Have sent Me.”

Isaiah 43:16

The verse mentions that God and his spirit have sent someone who is the speaker in the text. By reason of this, two persons of the Trinity are identified – God and the Holy Spirit. Jesus appears to be the one speaking. The reason is that the verse mentions that the speaker was there from the time of the beginning. Knowing that in the beginning was when everything including man and angels were created, everyone who was there before creation began was part of the God-head. We established in our previous discussion that Jesus was in the beginning and he was identified as the voice/word of God. So we see from our anchor text that God and the Holy Spirit sent Jesus (the voice/word) of God.


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