It's possible that the Tigris and Euphrates were simply named after the rivers connected to Eden, just like Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, was named after the town in Judea.

By Elijah Asuo Wiredu
Genesis 2:10–14, which states that "A river watering the garden flowed from Eden; from there it was separated into four headwaters," is the only place where the location of the Garden of Eden is mentioned in the Bible. The first is called the Pishon, and it runs all the way through the gold-rich country of Havilah.The second river, known as the Gihon, flows throughout the all of Cush. The third river, known as the Tigris, flows along Asshur's eastern border. The Euphrates is the fourth river. The Tigris and Euphrates Rivers are commonly recognized, however, the Pishon and Gihon Rivers' actual names are unknown.
The Garden of Eden would be located somewhere in the Middle East, most likely in Iraq, if the Tigris and Euphrates mentioned are the same rivers by those names today. The deluge of Noah's day was more than just a localized deluge; even a modest local flood can alter a river's course. The topography of the earth was profoundly altered by the Deluge. The Tigris and Euphrates' initial location is unknown as a result. It's possible that the Tigris and Euphrates were simply named after the rivers connected to Eden, just like Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, was named after the town in Judea.
It seems that the Middle East would have the largest oil reserves if the Garden of Eden was in that area and crude oil is mostly composed of decomposing plant and animal waste, as most scientists believe. Many people believe that the massive oil reserves in the Middle East are the result of the Earth's lushest organic resources decomposing in the Garden of Eden. While the Middle Eastern oil might be the last of Eden, people who advocate such beliefs are merely speculating.
For many years, people have looked for the Garden of Eden in vain. Although many locations have been suggested as Eden's initial site, nobody is certain about it. What became of Eden's Garden? The Bible is silent on the subject. The Garden was probably completely devastated by the Flood.
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